LIMITED TO 55 people, so sign up now!!!
FRIDAY, SEPT 20 @5:30PM – One Time Event
To Snag Your Spot: Buy Your Chaos Class Pass Here and We’ll Sign You Up
Cost: $50 and that covers your Chaos Class, 2 tacos, a yummy salad, and 2 bevvies!
When: Friday, Sept 20 @5:30PM – One Time Event
What to Expect:
Expect mass organized chaos in this super fun LARGE group workout where we’ll likely have around 60 SWEATers running around the studio for a crazy cool stations-style workout!!! And, of course, as a reward for all your hard work, we’ll top it off with a post-workout Happy Hour with a yummy salad, tacos & bevvies!
Coaches: Ang P, Cat & Brian!!!